Changing what happens when I connect the charging cable

When I plug in my 945LTE to charge using the USB cable into my computer the Media Player opens on my computer. How do I change this behaviour?

It is probably a choice I made on initial setup, but I can't figure out how to change it. Thanks ...


  • Sounds like you use Windows. I assume you're on Windows 10 or 11.

    1) Plug your watch into your computer using the usb cable

    2) Press the Windows key to open the start menu

    3) Type "autoplay"

    4) Select "Autoplay Settings"

    5) You should see your device (Forerunner 945 LTE) listed under "Choose AutoPlay defaults". Change the setting to whatever you want (e.g. "Take no action" or "ask every time")

    For Windows 7, the same settings are in the Control Panel and look slightly different.



    Also, if you'd prefer to *not* have your watch go into "USB data" mode every time you plug it in to a computer, open the settings on your watch and select System > USB Mode > Garmin. This way, every time you plug your watch into a computer, you'll be prompted whether you want to use "MTP mode" or not. If you say no, then it just charges normally as if you plugged it into a dumb usb charger, which allows you to keep using it normally (but prevents you from accessing files/syncing with your computer.)

  • Excellent! Perfect answer. Thank you and have a great day!