I recently started using Garmin's PacePro function, which is pretty cool, but there is one enormous frustration which is that the stop button seems to be getting overridden by all these info screens that immediately come up. So for example, I'm doing a 10k PacePro run. I hit 10k and I want to stop the run immediately to get the best possible time, so I hit the stop button but instead of getting the red square in a red circle I get a bunch of Garmin info screens about my performance and meanwhile I have no idea whether the timer has been stopped or not. The first time this happened I waited for a couple seconds (wrecking my time of course) and then finally gave up and hit it again, which just re-started a new run! So the second time this happened I used the back button to try to back out of these screens. But that didn't work either! Again I lost seconds on my time...