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Battery Saver Control crashes watch

in my efforts to circumvent the continued missing feature of Battery Saver mode when I'm sleeping, i tried adding Battery Saver to the Control menu. unfortunately, while it works to activate Battery Saver mode, when used to turn off Battery Saver mode, the watch crashes.

this crash happened in 4.16 and still occurs in 5.07.

i have reported this to Garmin, but i though i'd make sure i wasn't the only one with this problem.

  •   does it work fine for you even with a Connect IQ watch face or are you only using Garmin's built-in watch faces?

  • Interesting. so it doesn't happen for you reliably for a Connect IQ watch face? as i noted below, for a connect IQ watch face, it occurs the vast majority of the time. yet i haven't been able to force it to happen with a Garmin watch face.

  • i guess no harm in trying/asking? they did offer to send me a replacement first (requiring a credit card deposit that will be refunded -- i'd be ok with this)... as i noted, i'm still skeptical that it's hardware and i really like the buttons on my unit and they have remained solid since i received this unit in the june 2021. i would hate to swap my current watch for one with lousy buttons. this honestly is a small bug in the grand scheme compared to other things i wish they would fix (giving us the sleep mode for Battery Saver, allow us to look at widgets during a GPS activity with the GPS being disabled, fixing the Notification widget, fixing the swimming problem (i haven't been swimming but am thinking of returning to it soon so the problems people are sharing are very disturbing).

  • Garmin connect watch face seems to be a requirement for this to happen for me as well. I'm using "Just Enduro". Cannot reproduce this with a stock watch face.

    This also happens for a watch face that you configure using "Face it" in Connect IQ - something that's provided by Garmin, rather than some other developer.

    I can't reproduce this using the power manager menu.

  • thanks for the follow up. this happens with my three favorite watch faces: Glance, JBlack, and Coros Apex Like

  • sorry for spamming this group but i did get an update from Garmin just now that said they reproduced the problem in house and no longer need me to send my device in.

  • All,

    We believe that we have a fix for this report that will be rolling out with the next software release for this device. While I do not have a timeline currently for this software release, I will be updating this thread as information is made available. Thank you for your patience while we work toward a resolution for this report.

  • All,

    We have released a fix in the latest software release that should resolve the report for most users experiencing these symptoms.  The software release should continue rolling out to all users in the coming days.  If you are still experiencing symptoms like the original report here, please start a new thread.