On Device "Interval" Workouts - Rest Screen Useless?

I've off and on used the on-device "Training" - "Intervals" feature for Running Workouts.  It is a nice option that I've used to setup rough guided workouts over the last few iterations of Garmin watches I've owned.

With the 945 LTE I realized earlier (but had not noted to anyone) the "Rest" screen shown on such workouts is kind of useless.  In my experience it shows very little information and does not properly provide you with an idea of when the rest is over.


Run Workout - Intervals

  • Interval - distance, 0.5 miles
  • Rest - distance, 0.25 miles
  • Repeat - 4x
  • Warm Up - On
  • Cool Down - On

After each "Interval" I'd hope to see a screen that tells me some form of distance countdown when my next interval starts.  Instead it switches to a screen that says:

  • Rest 0:47 (example 47 seconds into rest, this is a timer counting up...)
  • Next: Run 0.50

I guess saying the screen is useless is a little harsh, but in the midst of running intervals it tells me little of value.  The next interval is 0.50, fine... and I've been "resting" for some time.  If I have a guess at my pace and do the math I could guess how many more seconds I have to rest.... but can't we show something distance related for a distance based "Rest" interval?!  Even counting UP in distance would be better (but still not what I'd ask for), so at least I could calculate how much distance is left to rest before the next interval.

I recall NOT being upset with my 935 in this manner, and my wife's fenix 6s also properly shows a distance counting DOWN during the rest interval.

Am I doing something wrong here?  Is there a way to use the Device to setup a simple workout (as described above) and see something different?

I almost wonder if it's related to the watch classifying the interval as "Rest" vs "Recovery" causing the watch to use such a poor screen choice... yet with the on device "Structured Workout" option I don't see how to select otherwise.