When my Bluetooth headphones are off, they always show up as searching in the watch settings when no music is playing, and I think it's really draining the battery. Anybody else see this?
When my Bluetooth headphones are off, they always show up as searching in the watch settings when no music is playing, and I think it's really draining the battery. Anybody else see this?
I’ve noticed this, and I’ve also noticed that the headphones icon blinks before I start a run (which I assume also means that it’s searching for my headphones.)
I’m not sure whether this means that the watch is *actually* searching for headphones or not, or whether there’s any battery impact. You could always manually disable the headphones in question when you’re not using them, although of course this would be a bit of a pain because then you have to re-enable them when you actually want to listen to music. I tried doing this (disabling my headphones in the Garmin music settings) and there doesn’t seem to be any impact on the estimated battery life, so I don’t bother doing it anymore. I haven’t really tried to measure the impact myself, though.