Change order of screens that are shown while navigating

When navigating, for example on a hike, a set of screens are shown which are in addition to the screens that are shown when you do the activity without navigation. This makes sense and the screens are useful, but I am not finding a way to change what order they are shown in. The first one is the map, which makes sense, but I'd like the second one to be a different one than is currently default, so I don't have to scroll through half a dozen screens to get the information I want. 

  • TL;DR add the Map page as a regular data page in your activity and it will retain its position within the normal data pages. So if you add it first, all you have to do is press DOWN when you're looking at the map page to see the next normal data field. Unfortunately you can't change the order of the other nav-related fields - they always come first, and in the same order.


    Normally, if you navigate a course, the Map page gets added to the top of data page order, followed by the other navigation-related pages (as you pointed out), then finally followed by the normal data pages for the activity.

    But if you add the Map page as a *normal* data page (which stays in the activity regardless of whether you're navigating or not), then the Map page stays in that order (all the navigation-related pages still come first). So if you add the Map page at the top of the order, you get this order:

    • nav-related pages
    • map page (as normal data page)
    • other normal data pages

    Assuming that you spend most of your time on the map page, all the rest of your pages are readily available. Note that this still works no matter where you put the Map page within the data page order. You could put it in the middle of the order, and it will still stay there when you start navigating.

    Note that even when you add the Map page as a normal data page, while you're following a course it still works like the nav-related Map page in that it has the "distance to next turn" data field (unless you turn it off in the nav settings.)

  • Thanks, this is actually super helpful becuase it gives me something else that I wanted but hadn't mentioned specifically here, which is a second map page. This is because I usually leave the navigation map page pretty zoomed in, which helps with nagivation but then doesn't show me where I am with respect to my whole course. I assume that another map page could do that - haven't tested yet but will next time I head out for a hike.

  • No worries! Unfortunately, you don't actually get a 2nd map page :/. After you add the map page as a "normal" data page, when you're following a course, you still get the one map page. Sorry I wasn't clear on that.

    So to be clear...

    Normal scenario (you didn't add map page as normal data page):

    - Nav-related pages: map, compass,  elevation, "screen 1" (normally ETE/etc)

    - Normal data pages

    Suggested scenario (add map page as normal data page - e.g. at top of order):

    - Nav-related pages (without map): compass,  elevation, "screen 1" (normally ETE/etc)

    - Normal data pages (with map): map, other data pages

    One nuance here is that the sole map behaves differently depending on whether you're following a course or not. If you're not following a course, it doesn't have the "distance to next" data field. If you're following a course, it has the "distance to next" data field (unless you've disabled it in the nav settings).

    Also, if you customize the "normal" map page to have additional data fields (like Lap Pace and Distance), then both "versions" of the map page will display these fields.

  • something else that I wanted but hadn't mentioned specifically here, which is a second map page.

    Just as a hypothetical: what if you could have a "2nd map page", but:

    1) you had to install a Connect IQ data field app. (Activities are only allowed to have up to 2 CIQ data fields, btw.)

    2) the 2nd map page wouldn't be directly accessible as a data page, but you'd have access it from a menu. e.g. Hold UP > Connect IQ Fields (this is usually the 3rd menu item) > [Name of App]. So in the best case, it would be 4 button presses.

    3) the 2nd map page would time out after 2 minutes of no button presses. (Similar to the Pan/Zoom mode of the regular map page, iirc.)

    Would you find that useful? Or would it be too clunky?

  • Okay, all clear now - thanks again.

  • Sure, no problem. I am genuinely curious about whether you'd find my "2nd map page as CIQ app" scenario useful, though.

    Like you can have a 2nd map page, but you can't scroll to it - you have to activate it by going into the settings menu.

    Because it's possible to write such an app, but I'm not sure if anyone would find it useful.