Stryd data field not working and other bugs w/ beta 4.07 since iOS Garmin Connect update on Oct. 13

I have been using the new beta firmware since it’s release and found more improvements than bugs until Friday Oct. 15. Since Friday my Stryd data field is not working so my runs can not be synced to Stryd through the fit file. However, my Run Power data field is working so I can see my power and interestingly my runs synced to Strava from Garmin are showing power?

Basically, when I try and choose the Stryd data field I’m getting the CIQ ? display and then the data field defaults to Timer. I have tried uninstalling the data field and in pairing the pod and still not working.

I have noticed other bugs as well, like significant battery drain and also wifi not properly connecting which as a result I can’t add new music to the watch. I tried deleting my network but now I can’t seem to add it back both from the watch and in GC. 

I’m not sure how these bugs have just appeared unless the iOS GC update on Oct 13 is causing them. 

  • I wish I could be of some help... I am on the 4.07 beta pretty much since it was available and have been using a Stryd pod and am an iOS user, but I haven't noticed any issues with my Stryd pod datafield or activiies syncing with the above.

    Strava added displaying of Power for runs back in the first/second week of September or so, but interesting that your activities would show it now with the datafield possibly not working...  Have you tried loading your fitfiles into a tool to see if the CIQ developer fields are there and stored?  Strange.

  • However, my Run Power data field is working so I can see my power and interestingly my runs synced to Strava from Garmin are showing power?

    Do you have Run Power set up to record power to FIT file?

    The reason power is showing up in Strava now is because apparently they've decided to start honoring power written by 3rd party CIQ apps like Run Power and Stryd (unlike Garmin Connect, which ignores power and other "native" fields that are written by CIQ apps.)

    Basically, when I try and choose the Stryd data field I’m getting the CIQ ? display and then the data field defaults to Timer.

    When this happens, the Stryd devs *should* be getting an anonymous crash report, which will let them know there's a problem and give them some information about it (like your device model, what part of the code is crashing).

    It couldn't hurt to contact Stryd support about this, tho.

  • Funny at first firmware 4.07 solved some of my Stryd issues... but now I'm like you, I have to pick one data fiel at a time !!! So it's either Stryd Zones or DataRun Premium. Usually I have one screen with Stryd Zones and one screen with DataRun Premium, not if both are included in run activity one of the two IQ field will crash randomly when I start activity, so if Stryd Zones crashes I have DataRun Premium working but the Stryd Power information are not in my fit file (since Stryd Zones needs to work to get it), if DataRun crashed then I get Stryd Zones working and the fit file contains IQ power.

    I used to have a Garmin 945, I wish I kept it... what should have been an upgrade is an absolute nightmare !!!

  • I use DU8-10 (2 of the 4 copies) and Stryd Zones datafield together in various Run and Trail Run app.

    The bugs I have seen so far, both with my former Fenix 5 plus and my present Fenix 6X Pro:

    - sometimes Stryd Zones switches to Timer automatically (in this case one faces the 2/2 CIQ data are used, so either a Restore Defaults or a Delete app help)

    - sometimes there is a simple “slip” of the CIQ datafields, if their order on my watch is DU810C0, C1, C2, C3, ….., Stryd Zones, then C0 switched to C1, C1 to C2, Stryd Z. to C0.

    - sometimes it is more confusing, because C1 switches to C3, as an example

    - the chance of any bugs is higher if any of these 5 DFs are updated on my watch

    Interestingly in the last months I never experienced a simple exclamation mark crash, which had occured earlier.

    I use other CIQ datafields, namely Lap+ and its copies, but they “dont participate in this bug ball”. 

    I tend to think that maybe not the DFs are corrupted as files, but there must be with the way how DU (or DR) datafields and Stryd Zones datafield together reach for the power data.

    Maybe I am wrong, but it is more than suspicious why these datafields are always involved when I see this sort of bug report of Stryd users.

  • I've seen problems with Stryd Zones and Lap+ (and other fields of mine), when adding Stryd Zones to an activity that doesn't already have it. Either Stryd Zones or the other data field will crash immediately, which means that it's auto-removed from the activity. Adding the crashed field again just results in the same behavior.

    The workaround is to try adding them in the opposite order. Sometimes I have to add one, exit the activity (to make sure it persists), then add the other (and cross my fingers.)

    IMO this behavior is all on Garmin, as theoretically each CIQ app is in a sandbox and almost nothing  (or absolutely nothing) it does should be able to affect any other CIQ app or part of the system, so there should be no reason why using a certain data field app plus any other data field app should cause one of them to crash, or why the problematic should work fine when it's installed by itself.

    I've also never seen anything like this on the 935, but it happens all the time on my 945 LTE. I just try not to add or remove CIQ data fields on an activity that has the Stryd Zones field.