Auto lap in Custom treadmill workouts issue

When doing a custom treadmill run workout (i.e. 2x15 min Tempo with 5 min recovery). My normal 1 min auto lap should be disabled and the laps should be from the workout (i.e. 15 min and 5 min laps). This used to be the case with my Garmin 920. Garmin support please fix!! What a pain if I have to remember to turn off (on back on later) my 1 mile auto laps before doing a run custom workout!


  • This behavior has a bit of history since the 920.  I wish I could recall it all, but roughly somewhere in the fenix 3 vintage this changed in a firmware update (I think) and every watch since has followed auto-lap settings within workouts.

    Many people were used to the old way, some like the new way.  The behavior seems here to stay and the workaround is to copy the activity type of interest (treadmill in your case?) into a second one that has auto lap turned off and is used for workouts.