Has anyone successfully used Spectator Messaging?

I’m trying to figure out if my spectator messaging woes are specific to me or if others have had trouble. When livetrack is enabled and spectator messaging is on, the livetrack link works but there is no way for folks to message me. This is on multiple browsers so I don’t think it’s specific to that.

So, has anyone actually consistently used spectator messaging? Any tips on how to make sure it’s working? 

  • I realize this isn't much help but it works as advertised for me.  My only suggestion is add yourself to the list and do a test run from the living room.  I receive the link and can send myself a message no problem.

  • Thank you! It’s actually helpful to know that it’s working for others. Have been e-mailing with Garmin for a few weeks and am just very confused as to why this isn’t working.

  • To who might concern, i tried it today for the first time the spectator messaging and i had a lot of struggle making this thing to work.... chatted with Garmin support but nothing....

    This can't be a hardware problem, therefore i did many testing like rebooting, resetting and deleting data but nothing... 

    Until i wanted to try this Auto Start live tracking, setup my email as test, started and got a link on the email, opened it and here we go, everything was working, messages (audio and text both no issue).

    Tested again doing manually the live tracking but nothing... Not really sure why, it ask even there for spectator messaging so has no sense to not work....

    However i hope this will help anyone else had the same issue!

    I hope garmin will get on this and resolve this issue asap.

  • Update after 2+ months of discussing with Support. Yesterday their Engineering team made some kind of backend tweak, and suddenly everything is working exactly as it should. No idea what it was, but glad this is over.