Buggy Notifications Widget

hi team,

has anyone else found the Notifications widget buggy? i've found the following two problems:

1. when a message is selected, i have to click the start button twice in order to bring it up. seems like it should be one click to read the full text

2. i've had the notification widget lock up my phone twice. only thing i can do is turn the backlight on and off but beyond that, the other buttons do nothing.

also, does anyone know a good place to post bugs/problems to Garmin (i've only seen chat/call on the support website, but maybe i'm missing a place to email them a list of bugs/feature requests/etc.)


  • I've had a notification cause my watch to freeze, which required me to restart the device. Viewed the notification again & it worked. Second time it happened I had to restart the device twice to view it. I was just curious to see if it would happen again when it happened why i tried it again & why 3rd time was the charm. 

    also, does anyone know a good place to post bugs/problems to Garmin (i've only seen chat/call on the support website, but maybe i'm missing a place to email them a list of bugs/feature requests/etc.)

    I'd also like to know. 

  • Yup having the same issue both of you are mentioning. 

  • i've been asked by Garmin support to see if anyone else is having this problem. i'm still having this problem in 5.07 and if there are more of you out there, please submit a help ticket and some evidence to Garmin so they have more information. 


  • I generally don't use the Notification Widget, so can't say one way or the other.

    I did just try to scroll to it (it is in my widget list) and then "Enter" the widget and scroll up/down to various past notifications and "enter" them to read.  In this single test it seemed to work as I would expect - single "start" presses caused it to show me the notification and it did not lock up.

    My main issues with Notifications is more that I have had cases where 2 come back-to-back and the normal "pop-up" notification screen seems to go blank on the second notification (I think this was the case - at least something caused it to go away with no content).  I'm also still annoyed that pressing the backlight button when the notification is first popping up basically clears it so if it's coming in the dark you can't see it or turn on the backlight to be able to see it (since it clears).

  • thanks for sharing your experiences. i find that it works as expected when it's only 1 message available. but when there are more than 1, it takes two presses of the "start" button.

    i haven't run into your problem because i only allow phone calls to actually "pop up" on the screen. i keep a "counter" on the watch face and only review them when i have the time or it's convenient.