LTE Searching, but not connecting

I have had some problems with the 945 LTE. My first unit had a mushy start/stop button, so I sent it back for a replacement. My first unit LTE worked great at my house, perfect every time. I received the replacement unit (new) and transferred my LTE subscription to the new watch with confirmation of the new SN. Since then, the new watch has never been able to connect to LTE. When starting an activity, LTE is always in 'searching' status, but never connects. This status continues throughout the run. When disconnecting bluetooth and forcing a sync over LTE, the watch will time out and fail after searching for about 5 minutes. Same location as the previous watch that worked 100% of the time, and it has worked 0 times with LTE. Garmin connect reflects that LTE subscription is enabled for the replacement and the watch itself reflects that as well. Anyone else have this issue? Any fix? It has been over a week, could this be an issue with watch activation on the network / access? Any advice is welcome. Hoping I don't have to replace the watch a second time.

  • Are there any updates? I sent my Garmin file last Friday to be analyzed. I asked Monday for an update, was given none and rep says they requested for a subscription cancellation so that I can sign up natively through this watch. Today I was given to a new rep that has no idea what’s going on who sent me simple instructions on how to cancel service, but no indication that I won’t be charged for the 68$ Cancellation fee. Are there any updates?ay just have to cancel and do a CC chargeback for the cancellation fee.

  • After waiting for 5 days after sending my GARMIN file from the watch, the team determined there was absolutely nothing wrong with the watch. They were able to get billing involved and my year subscription was cancelled on the backend without paying the penalty. I was then able to re-subscribe/activate the watch through the traditional means in the Garmin connect app. Immediately everything is working. LTE gets connection within 10 seconds on both live track and forced LTE sync. So, unfortunately for now the only answer is that the transfer LTE service option does not work, but rather the subscription needs to be fully cancelled. My hunch is that it has to do with device specific activation with the LTE carrier service. Hope this may help whoever runs into the same problem.

  • good update and thanks for following up so the rest of us are aware. i believe your hunch is spot on.