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High heart rate at start of workout

I am seeing an issue where my 935 reads a heart rate 20-30 bpm higher than it should for the first 2-3 min of an activity. I can confirm this by a finger HR measurement. After this.the reading drops down to the correct reading and stays good for the remainder of the workout. 

This issue happened occasionally in the past but is now happening most of the time with version 15.10. 

Has anyone else seen this issue?

  • Hello, same for me since 15.10. OHR is not accurate as before.

  • Good to know is isn't just me. I also saw an unexpected HR increase mid workout. Went up for a minute or so then back down. 

    Does anyone know if they are planning to release a fix for these OHR issues soon?

  • Does anyone know if they are planning to release a fix for these OHR issues soon?

    A fix for something one person said they were having a somewhat similar issue with 2 days after your initial post?  I say somewhat similar and not the same because you stated you had the issue (though not as often) in the past, where they've had it since FW 15.10.  I'm sure Garmin's all over it.  Maybe you should wait for more than one person to respond to see if it's an actual issue with 15.10 before asking when a fix is coming?  FYI, mine's OK.