Forrunner 745 software 13.70 causes disruptions


Since the last update (13.70) the Garmin 745 often does not recognize the sleep and so I have no sleep score and low body battery.

In addition the indication of the RR of the FC is no longer transmitted.

This update is a disaster !

Thank you for your help 


  • Did you recheck the various settings (like the sleep windows) and the sub system firmware to the update completed correctly?

    Also is power save maybe on during sleep window

    Sometimes updates change settings somehow

    I have no idea what this means:

    In addition the indication of the RR of the FC is no longer transmitted

    Did you try a soft reset also after the update?

    Failing all this , Call / Chat with support

  • Do you mean HRV?  

    It seems that the HR during sleep is not working , can you see if the HR shows on graph during sleep?

    If not then I suspect there is a power saving during sleep affecting this

  • Following several resets of the watch, it seems that the information has become stable again.

    On the other hand, I have no transmission of “cardiac variability”. Maybe the watch technically can't do it.

    Thank you for your help