I'm having an issue within Coach Greg workouts

I'm on week 16 of 24 of coach Greg's Half marathon training plan and the workouts have been the same for the last 4 weeks. They are 45 min easy runs on Monday, 60 min goal pace on Tuesday, 45.min easy on Wednesday and Thursday and 50min goal pace on Saturday. I tried pausing and starting a few times and that doesn't correct it. I tried updating my goal time and that doesn't let me save unless done I'm the web version but it still doesn't correct it. I've also had two corrupt runs in the last two weeks where in the beginning of a goal pace the watch laps to cool down which is not the next lap. It also flickers between too high pace ui and cool down ui when it does it. It's really distracting and has caused me to stop running to start a new run. Is there anyway to fix this?