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DSW interval bug? New to 745


Have had two daily suggested workouts with interval training, 

A 15 min warmup

15 secs of full-on sprint

then 3 mins of rest. 


Both times I've done this interval, only the warm-up is accounted for (not even all of it).

So my 43mins of activity shows like 1.7km only, The 15 secs sprints I do at about 2:00/min per km or maybe a little slower (I dunno since the watch doesn't keep up)

None of the resting intervals or splits show any pace or distance.  Almost like I would have skipped them with the lap button. 

I was listening to music (built-in) during this.  I also use external HRM.

Checking the activity on g.connect shows the GPS plotted like correctly. So it seems GPS is fine.
