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inaccurate distance and pace data in open water swim FR745

A few weeks ago my 745 started to show an inconstant pace and a lower distance than the real. 

Most of the time the pace while swimming is like i wasn't swimming at all. It gets stuck at 00:00.

Checking on the garmin connect, the pace looked like it wasn't being updated, 5:40...6:30... wich is cleary wrong, my confortable pace is up to 2:40

Sometimes it works pretty well at the beginning of the exercise but at the way back it stops. I've tried to change the wrist and guess what... it didn't work at the beginning and worked at the back.

Works normal on run and cycling.

Sync twice a day.

Every second data recording.

Gps+Glonass, Gps+Gallileo

Software 7.60

GPS 5.11

CPE: current

Can anyone help?