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offline maps

Hello All,

 I am a novice and wanted to understand the concept of preloaded maps. As I understand one of the differences between 945 and 745 is offline / preloaded maps and wanted to know what it actually means from the following contexts

1. If there are no maps then can I not load maps of areas I am interested in at a later point or my watch will not have maps as all?

2. If I can actually load maps of the areas I am hiking / running then why pay extra for the feature and buy 945 instead of 745?

3. Is there a difference between a route and maps i.e. I am sure if I am going on a hike/run then I can load a map of the route for me to navigate but then in that case what is the difference between 945/745? Just one comes with preloaded maps and other we have to load?

Apologies for a dumb question but I am going to own my first Garmin and want to make an informed decision.

Because of the small wrist I am figuring between 745 / 945 and Fenix 6S  {Money is not the constraint and I want all possible features} Not because of the reason that I am an awesome athlete but just I am like that :-)

Thanks a ton in advance.

  • 1. No maps at all.

    2. You cannot load maps onto the FR745.

    3. A map is a cartographic representation of a certain area, potentially very large one. A route is just a single track to follow, without any additional context. In many use cases a route is just enough, but there are scenarios where having maps onboard is advnatageous. For example a route can be created on the 945 directly, using map data, but not on the 745. The route has to be created externally, and then uploaded to the watch. Another use case for maps on the 945 is the possibility to search for points of interest, like for example nearby restaurants, directly on the watch. Not possible with the 745. Or just looking at the map can be useful. The 945 will show you topographical features around you, the 745 will not.

  • Understood and thanks a ton.
    As I understand, if we upload a GPX route to the phone then also it will only tell/show just a line and turns but will not show the context around it even if you are online with your phone connected with you.
    Well the next million dollar question is if Garmin is coming with any more release or else i should just take fenix 6s pro and relax for now.

    No one knows if there are any more releases in forerunner/fenix series so I should just take the fenix 6S pro :-)

    Thanks a ton again

  • That’s no million dollar question. Garmin will never bring maps to the 745. 

    If you want maps you need a 945, or a fenix pro.

    But as stated, most of the time you will be fine with just a breadcrumb gpx trail.  Sometimes roads are very close to each other and you might take the wrong one, but you find out fast enough.

    Just for you to decide. Why do you want maps? Is there a really need for them or you just think you need them?

  • I trail run using GPX tracks i.e. I upload GPX files onto my watch and then navigate using it(I understand that I can still use breadcrumb route only but the map gives me some more context)
    And the million dollar question was more out of context on whether I should wait for any new release or just buy 945 or 6s as I heard there is a possibility of 955 with LTE or even some fenix 7(s) with potentially LTE and/or touch screen.

    Basically greedy to wait for something more latest as I am able to live with current watch as it ticks all boxes but battery and precision is terrible (Apple watch .. it is not even serious sports watch and I have now matured as a more serious amateur trail runner surprisingly ).

  • Another option is the dwMap CIQ app which I use on a 645 for maps for occasional hikes, it downloads them via your phone. Btw not sure where you're based but in Europe at least the street price of the 945 is less than the 745!

  • Thanks (I am in Hong Kong).
    Let me check the price of 945 and if it has gone lower the 745 then something is coming soon :-) 
    May be the 955 LTE as the market has been speculating for a while.

    Let me find out more about the dwMap as well.

    Thanks a lot again.

  • I use Google map on my phone. So much better.

  • WOW. You made my day!