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Low Battery notification -cuts off mid run

Started an 11.5 mile run yesterday with battery at about 57%. At about 11 miles a low power notification appears, and the activity recording stopped. When I turn the watch back on, the power is at 25%. Why does it cut off at such a high percentage? I wouldn't like this to happen in a race. Can this be changed in settings somewhere?
  • It can't be adjusted with a setting.
    You can try charging and discharging the watch completely several times to see if this improves things. I have seen this sort of issue with batteries that have been shelved for a long time and sometimes several charge/discharge cycles helped improve things.
    Another potential reason could be low temperatures outside at this time of year (although I don't know where you work out).
    Other than the above, you might have an old or defective battery and in this case your only option would be replacement.
  • same problem for me. It started 3 months ago (probably low temps "help" it, but we've 3/4degrees, not so cold). what about replacement? Is it possible?
  • What is your device?
    It happened to me as well, back in 2010 on my Forerunner 310XT. Never noticed on my 910XT and 920XT
  • I've got the same problem but only when I press "lap" button. Last time the battery was 56% then I pressed "lap" - then info about low battery and watch auto-saved my activity and turn off. When I turn it on again then the battery was at the same state 56%.
  • today I noticed the battery level before use: 76%. After 47min of running the battery is 58%, after 2 minutes rest it Was 61%...So I think it could be ALSO (not only) a SW problem. I hope that in summer this problem could fade away, I have an Half Ironman and in this moment I don't believe it can last 5h45/6h...grrrr...

    edit: my device is 735xt
  • Hello Everybody,

    same issue here. Experienced 3 times in last two weeks. Initially I thought the unit was not charged enough but next time I paid more attention. When it went dark after about 50 minutes into the workout session I switched it on again and it recorded another 1-K and it went dark again. I switched it on 3rd time and recorded the rest of session. When I saved the session battery was still at 60%!

    So I thoguht it's perhaps because using custom Data Field and switching between screens in interval workout mode but yeasterday it happend in easy 10-K run w/o any fiddling with the watch. In contrast it worked just fine on Sunday for 2h+ long run. The only difference is I was using pace alert in the last easy run and not in the long run.

    I've been using the 735xt unit for about 10 months (3-4 months of structured running using interval and tempo workouts) and there were no problems before but only now. The unit was on version 9.10 when it happend first 2 times and 9.20 yesterday.

    Anybody thought of reporting it to Garmin?

    Best regards,

  • I had the same issue this week. Ran on two days this week and it shut down on both saying 'Low Battery' (It was around -2 to -4 *C ).
    On both days I have put the watch under my jacket after the cut offs and it didn't happened again. So I would say it was 'too cold'. But never had issues last year when it was cold.

    my device: 735xt

  • Same issue here, my Garmin 735 turns off at the kilometer alert as soon as battery level goes below around 30%
    It does sound like a software bug to me as it happens at different actions for many users

  • Do you have vibrations turned on? Vibration at lap alert tries to draw too much power, which the battery for some reason cannot provide (although it still reports that some charge remains) and this is why your watch turns off. Anyway, sounds rather hardware related to me.