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Bug: CIQ apps without GPP are showing positioning data.

CIQ apps without the GPS active are showing GPS data and maps.  This appears to be a common issue in newly released devices or new updates.

Forerunner 55 fix request, if GPS is off or the positioning permission is not set, there should be no GPS data saved to the activity FIT file.

This bug will increase battery drain.  

This issue started with the release of Forerunner 55 Software Version 8.02(

User report
1. 08Jul23 Zumba - GPS disabled
2. 11Jul23 Zumba - GPS disabled
3. 22Jul23 U-Jam - GPS disabled
4. 28Jul23 Step Fitness - GPS becomes enabled
5. 29Jul23 Zumba - GPS becomes enabled
F3b Dance+ app does not enable positioning permission and can not enable GPS.   Following photo shows a map and track.  

Related bug same issue in FR255 and FR265


Brian Brown

Owner / Developer of F3b Applications 

  • This is still happening- and not consistently. I had two separate dance activities yesterday - it tracked gps on one, but not the second. 

  • It’s still happening and it’s frustrating. This time round GPS is enabled in both dance activity and Pilates. This problem was logged two months ago and today (14Oct23), it is still happening. Can’t Garmin do something about this?

  • I don't know - it is a third party app... But the owner of the app- we emailed back and forth a bit the other month when I reported other problems (app was not recording my HR etc after about 5 minutes and I'd have to start a new activity) and the owner insisted that the app did not record gps data- I told him- I know what the settings are/state, yet it *absolutely* records gps data sometimes. At the time, it seemed as though I was the only person having that occur- he asked me what other 3rd party apps I was using (none)... After a few exchanges he said the team would look into it and he stopped emailing me. Coming back to the forums I see others have consistently reported that the app is somehow using gps data so I'm not sure why it was confusing that I reported the same...? All I can do is charge my watch after any dance sessions now because our if everything else i use it for - this is the only thing that absolutely saps the battery. 

  • This is a Garmin bug due to the Dance+ app does not use the positioning permission, therefore the software does not have access to the GPS Sensor or the Positioning calls to enable the GPS.  If Dance were even try to use the positioning.enable() it would crash and not even compile.

    Below is the permissions used for Dance+, note Positioning is not set.  

    I contacted Garmin engineering on these issues, but I cannot prioritize how Garmin repairs their products.


  • Here is a screenshot of my dance data from the other night. It did not crash- it just... Used my gps data.