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Workout doesn't delete in the watch

After deleting the workout in the cellphone it doesn't disappear in the watch, even after synced correctly. Anyone with this issue?

Top Replies

  • When you delete a custom workout from your Garmin Connect account it won't remove it from any of the devices it is already synced to. You will want to follow the steps listed in the FAQ: Why…

All Replies

  • When you delete a custom workout from your Garmin Connect account it won't remove it from any of the devices it is already synced to. You will want to follow the steps listed in the FAQ: Why is My Workout Not Syncing to My Garmin Watch? for deleting a workout from a fitness watch to remove the workouts directly from the watch.

  • Just so we have more idea of how many we can actually add ourselves, would you please tell us how many are preloaded with the watch? Are all preloaded ones deletable? It's a real bugbear to go thru them one by one on the watch - is there a short way thru USB connection as mass storage device to remove them more easily? Thanks