The Intensity Minutes ("IM") calculations are seriously flawed, which is a shame because that's the main reason why I bought the FR55. I now erroneously earn IM for every single activity I start, even if my HR is low. I want to be able to start a simple walk (where my HR is below "Moderate Intensity") and track the distance without earning IM for it when I clearly haven't earnt it! Besides, when I compare the IM I get from an activity it doesn't match the HR data for that activity. Apparently a lot of dumb magic is happening in the background.
I want a setting that adds IM solely(!) on HR, nothing else! And this should work regardless if I'm recording an activity or not. And it should work even if I'm above "Moderate Intensity" for just a few seconds, and it should stop counting as soon as I go below "Moderate". I want the IM calculations to 100% obey my user defined HR zones, be it HR reserve or HR max, shouldn't matter, and it should of course obey my defined "Moderate Intensity" and "Vigorous Intensity" zones.
This should be really really simple to implement, really, everything is already there! Are Garmin afraid that people will earn too few IM points and give bad reviews, or what's going on here?! It makes no sense to me. I truly hate when software tries to be "smart", but instead ends up not even meeting basic functionality. At least have a switch so that people can choose the "dumb" setting! Calculating weekly intensity minutes (which we all know should be between 150 - 300 minutes) based on HR is the only true measurement, that's why this "feature" 100% must work for a sport watch, for crying out loud.
I've read the following link and it doesn't give me anything: support.garmin.com/.../
I've also scanned the Internet and forums for a solution, with zero results.
Can this be accomplished on the FR55, or do I need to get a new watch/brand?
// Mack (annoyed FR55 owner)