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Forerunner 55 wrong sleep times

Forerunner 55 thinks I am sleeping when sitting in a chair reading or watching television.

Last night it showed me as asleep while watching the last episode of Severance!

I was WIDE awake the whole time.

Is there a setting to get sleep detection more accurate?

  • Have you set up your sleep time in Connect? In your account in Connect web, click on your watch icon (top right by profile pic), then click Device Settings. The settings are tabbed on the page, default page is Sounds and Alerts. Look further right and you'll see User Settings. Click on that to show your personal info. Normal sleep time is below your date of birth. Perhaps setting that and syncing will improve things. Or try the classic turn off, turn back on.
    I haven't found mine to track anything other than in-bed sleeping, it doesn't record sitting watching TV as sleeping. Even as far as setting the sleep time window as above goes, which was 10 pm to 7 pm or something by default, it knows I'm a night owl and properly classifies my sleep as when I actually lay down at like 1.30 am or later. So actually, setting the sleep window doesn't change that. Thinking Check your watch system settings? I have Physio TrueUp on. In Data Recording I have Frequency set to Smart and Log HRV set to On. In Activity Tracking, I also have Move IQ set to On, I think that is related to sleep monitoring. Hopefully it will improve for you.

  • I have the exact same problem as well. I normally try to sleep around 11pm or 12am, but sometimes I watch a show and sleep only at 1am or 2am.

    Then my Forerunner 55 detects me as asleep since 11pm.

    What a bummer. 

  • There is no setting on Forerunner 55 to set normal sleep times. I go to sleep say at 10:30pm, get up at 1am to go to loo. In morning after syncing data, Connect shows Ino sleep data at all until 1 am. Why?

  • Cannot et sleep times in Connect.