Garmin Coach changing workouts throughout the day

Hi all,

I am testing this new personalized Garmin Coach workout plan and noticed, that the workout is changing even throughout the day.

Yesterday and today morning it showed that I should take the day off today, but now at the evening it suddenly shows that I should do a base workout.

I find this weird. Is this a bug or a feature ?


Volker Jordan

  • I noticed the same but I think it is by design. Yesterday the watch told me mid afternoon that my recovery had been faster than expected (indeed it had been a sedative office day). In this case it still suggested no workout that day, but I can imagine that these suggestions will change if certain criteria are met. 
    Training readiness is updated throughout the day and the assumption that is done in the morning may not be valid anymore in the evening, depending on your activities during the day. 
    So, my guess would be that you had had a restful, easy day and recovered more than Garmin guessed you would.

    I hope that someone more knowledgeable will be able to actually answer your question, but maybe this does help…

  • The new Garmin Coach plans are adaptive- so it is possible to experience this. I suggest reading through Garmin Run Coach for a thorough explanation on the training plans. I hope this helps!

  • Is there a way to make them less adaptive? I went to sleep thinking today was an interval day and drove somewhere to specifically do that now. Now that I am here with all the things required, all it is, is a base run day without any way of recalling the interval workout I was prepared to do mentally and physically. 

  • This would be really helpful. At the start of each training week, the plan seems to be well set out   I have woken up with training readiness high, sleep score high, but yet my long run that was scheduled yesterday is now a base run and half the time…

    Makes me nervous in trusting Garmin Training for my first marathon - will i be prepared if the training is going to continue changing??

    Is there a way where I can follow the plan and if my body isn’t up to it, rest or skip the suggested training?