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HR spikes mid run when running outdoors only.

HR spikes mid run when running outdoors only. My wife’s Forerunner 265S works OK when running on the treadmill, but gets a spike in HR mid run and her HR readings remain elevated till the end of the run.  HR chart looks like a step: stable reading for the first half and +30bpm stable for second half of the run.  This happens regardless of the distance 10mi, 5mi or even 1mi. We have tried using an Apple Watch and my Garmin 265 as comparison and the issue seems isolated to her watch. Is this an issue with the watch or with the latest software update? What should we do?

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  • Hi,

    I found this thread and comment, what do you think about it ?



    We have a fix for this bug but are still conducting tests. I'm very sorry for the frustration, but appreciate your patience as we get closer to releasing the fix. 

    I will update this thread when it is available, and do not have a timeline at the moment.

  • All, 

    Thank you so much for your patience as we've worked on improvements regarding erratic HR data (sudden drops/spikes) during for certain activity profiles. I deeply apologize for the understandable frustration during this time as well. 

    This improvement is available in beta 18.20 which was released today. It's currently at a 20% phased rollout. If you do not automatically receive the update, you can manually download it from: Main menu > Settings > System > Software Update > Check For Updates. If you do not wish to download beta, feel free to wait until the live update is released. 

    If you are experiencing any new or continued wrist heart-rate issues during activities after 18.20, please start a new thread or reach out to Product Support.

    I am locking this thread so we have the best visibility for heart rate data after 18.20.