How do I set the watch to display my time for each mile/lap?

Autolap is on and set to 1 mile but the time that is displayed on the watch for each mile split is cumulative instead of the time of the mile I that I just completed. For example, mile 1 is displayed (via the alert?) as 7:30 but if the second mile is 7:25, the display shows 14:55. This is not in the data fields. It’s a separate display that pops up on the watch whenever I complete a mile. Where do I change the setting to fix this? Thanks. 

  • Sounds like you have the lap alert set to total time, rather than lap time.

    Hold Up button, Activities & Apps >> Run >> Run Settings >> Auto Lap >> Lap Alert >> Primary Field =Lap Time. Select Preview to view what you should see.

    Forerunner 245/245 Music Owners Manual - Customizing the Lap Alert Message (

  • I think that’s gotta be it! Thanks!

  • Gee, I’m afraid I spoke too soon. I have all those settings set but I’m wondering if that’s specifically for the data fields because the Preview shows the settings as three fields. What is still happening on the watch during a run however is I have two fields showing, as always, for distance and average pace. I have the alert set to go off at each mile, but during my run today when that alert went off and the time popped up on my watch face (over the two data fields), it still showed the cumulative time. Did I need to reboot the watch, or is there some other setting in play?

  • Ok, I went through all the settings again and noticed that under Lap Alert, the *secondary* field was set to Total Time. So it could be that I’m seeing that secondary field pop up on my watch while I’m running and not seeing or noticing the primary field that is set to Lap Time. After all, I’m running and just get to glance at it before that pop-up goes away and returns to the two standard data screens I have set up (distance and average pace). 

    So, I  set the secondary Lap Alert screen to OFF and left the primary screen at Lap Time and will see if that does the trick! Pray  For good measure, I also restarted the watch. 

  • This solved the problem. Thumbsup So the definitive answer to my question is to first follow the advice of seilogramp (thank you) and if that doesn’t work, adjust the settings further under Lap Alert as detailed below:

    When I went through all the settings again, I noticed that under Lap Alert, the *secondary* field was set to Total Time. So it could be that I’m seeing that secondary field pop up on my watch while I’m running and not seeing or noticing the primary field that is set to Lap Time. After all, I’m running and just get to glance at it before that pop-up goes away and returns to the two standard data screens I have set up (distance and average pace). 

    So, I  set the secondary Lap Alert screen to OFF and left the primary screen at Lap Time and that did the trick! Thumbsup For each completed mile, the watch displayed only the time for that just-completed mile. (For good measure, I also restarted the watch.)