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Respiration BRPM breath rate double/half?

My watch and app usually show my respiration breath rate BRPM as 13 nearly every day.

Is this actually counting both IN and OUT strokes of my breath?

Whereas most people talk about 6 breaths per minute as a whole in/out repetition?

And if I do a breath work session on the watch, it records HALF what it normally does for brpm - eg records 6 instead of 12?

  • Eg. 

    One Breath : IN 5s + OUT 5s = 10s.

    6 brpm

    This is showing as "12 brpm" in Garmin? 

  • The help option in Garmin Connect says "A breath includes both the inhalation and exhalation..." and "...A normal repiration rate for a resting adult is between 12 and 20 breaths per minute..."

    This does not make sense for me, my normal brpm is around 5-6 when at rest, while the lowest recorded during night has been around 8-9. So, I don't know what to make of this, seems kind of useless...

  • Ah thanks Mr_Thomas that makes sense, and good to have the Garmin definition. 

    As long as it's consistent, we can convert between the two definitions by dividing the garmin value by 2.

  • And so for eg, in the Garmin app Respiration section, if my night is 12 brpm it means 12 ins/outs per minute.

    Which is 6 whole breaths (in and out cycles) per minute.

    Edit : actually I'm confused again. If it's 1 breath " includes inhale and exhale" then it's using the lower brpm numbers, not 2x?