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Foreman 245 SW 3.90 Battery Life?

I had updated to SW 3.70 at the release about a week or two ago and on my first 2 runs with it, had a higher than previous battery drain.  I downgraded back to 3.52 and things are better.  I'm wondering from those that have upgraded to 3.90, has your battery drain been as expected?

  • Update #3:

    I mentioned a week ago that after a hard reset, battery drain has improved.  The only thing I did worth noting -- beside a few hard resets -- was to check the Garmin Connect app on my phone to update the few watch faces and data fields I have.  Those are now showing up-to-date.  Here is what the last few days look like (measurements each morning around 9-10 AM):

    Dec 25:  100% - used GPS on a 2-hour hike the same day after charging
    Dec 26:  80%
    Dec 27:  68%
    Dec 28:  53%
    Dec 29:  42%

    So overall, roughly 15% per day -- excluding the first day, the average is 13%/day.  Given that I was getting something like 12%/day (or 0.5%/hour) with regular usage (i.e., excluding workouts) before the 3.90 update, I'd say my drain has more or less "returned to normal."

    I'll continue to monitor and post back if I learn more.

  • So hard resets are doing nothing for me and I have nothing installed from Garmin Connect, pulse Ox is off etc and a 1 hour hike and 23 minute walk today has me at 61%, when I had topped off at 100% before bed last night. I run/race long in season (this same unit got me through a 6 hour events with auto laps, alerts, every second gps+Galileo etc) this fall under the same circumstances (charged the night before to 100%) and was drained at the same level (60%). Really really hoping this gets resolved soon. 

  • Probably a dumb question but wondering if you've moved to 4.00?  "Dumb" because the update supposedly did nothing re: drain, but it is the only other major change of note since I upgraded to 3.90.

    EDIT:  a second, slightly-less-dumb question:  also wondering if you've activated the respiration widget?  There's no good/obvious reason that doing so would improve battery drawdown, but as I mentioned in an earlier post, since I'm guessing it's a FirstBeat feature and it's brand new, it may be interacting with the firmware in unexpected ways (i.e., not a week goes by in my day job where a software engineer doesn't say, "wow we wrote unit and integration tests for that new feature but it still ended up braking something")

  • Yes, I’m on 4.0, which Garmin is clear did not include a fix to the battery drain many users are experiencing, which they acknowledge is a known issue since 3.90. I activated respiration once it was available with 3.90. I haven’t tried deactivating respiration yet; thanks for the reminder. ETA: in the time since my last post where I said I was at 61% I’ve done nothing but take a nap and I’m now at 58%.

  • I'll be curious to see if toggling off respiration changes your battery drain -- but ironically, I was perversely suggesting the opposite:  that if you hadn't turned it on yet that toggling it on might strangely help (e.g., I'm speculating, but maybe because in the not-activated-yet state it was doing something it wasn't programmed to do).  

    Unfortunately you have turned it on.  Oh well, still curious what happens when you remove the widget!  I suppose after removing it, I might also check your "Daily Summary" page on the Connect web page.  How is this for weird (if not filed under "unfinished product")?  Initially, the only place I could find respiration data online was embedded in the Sleep plots, but I just checked "Daily Summary" and lurking in the list is a Respiration widget, with a link to "Reports."  That pulls up some useful charts for respiration x time, but oddly, there is no direct link under Reports -> Health & Fitness for those charts.  Seems like the only way to get there is through Daily Summary.  Go figure.

    Any way I mention all of this because I'm curious if removing the widget has any impact on whether Respiration shows up on the Daily Report.  I figure it doesn't affect the report because my data go back a few weeks, when I've only toggled on the widget about a week ago.  Which means it's collecting/analyzing respiration data regardless, in contrast to SpO2 which presumably is collected in a different PPG mode than HR and respiration and can be manually toggled on/off.