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Training Status "No Status"


has someone an idea or has the same issue, why the Training Status will not updated?

I run mostly 2 - 3 times in a week over 30 minutes per activity since 1,5 month and the status will not display.

Only, the training load will updated, but not the VO2max and the training status.

I have enabled or disable TrueUp and updated the heart rate, but the same behaivor.

  • I am having this exact problem. So you're saying just change user data to something else on device, sync, change back to actual data and sync again?

    I've had my watch for two months and I only ride my bike. I ride 3-4 times a week and around 90miles a week. I initially got a v02 max read and 7day training load but have never got a training status. My v02 reading has never changed but my 7day training load changes each day.

  • I don't know if this will help anyone, but I do most of my running using the "trail running" profile, rather than the regular "running" profile. I just found the following in Garmin's docs, which explains why my watch stopped logging VO2 max:

    The Trail Run activity profile does not generate a VO2 Max measurement.

    • Trail running typically results in higher physical exertion compared to pavement running.  This would significantly affect the accuracy of Training Status.  

  • Ah great, this was the case for me.