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Training plan not syncing to watch

My watch no longer has any of the previous synced workouts and will not allow me to sync any new ones. Even though I send the workout to the watch through the app, the watch doesn’t ever update with the info. It just says download training calendar. 

  • I have the same problem with my 935 XT. I cannot sync any training anymore. The sync procedure using the Android app or Garmin Express seems to work, but I actually can't get any new training on my watch.

    1. Hi, I just literally started to have the same issue with my FR 245 Music. My next run is in 2 days and I tried everything but nothing works. Very frustrating.
  • I tried what worked with my other Garmin as this was not the first time I experienced this problem with Garmin Coach not appearing on my watch... that On my phone I went to Bluetooth and clicked on my watch, than clicked on “Forget this device”, than I paired my watch right away to my phone and the workout for this week were on my watch right away. Hope the same works for you, too. Have a nice day. 

  • I have managed to get that fixed by erasing all the workouts in the "Workout"  directory by connecting my watch to my computer. Then sync workout is now functional again using Garmin Express or the Android App. Hope that can help.

  • I have the benchmark training on my forerunner 245 music, I did it, the witch sync and it appear in the activity list but the coach doesn't see it and continue to tell I have to do the benchmark... Frustrating! Some ideas to fix this? 

  • I managed it this way, too.  To be more specific, I backed up the WORKOUTS folder and removed all the files from the .\WORKOUTS\SCHEDULE folder.  Thank You for the information!

  • The TL:DR version...I turned my watch off and on and now it's fixed...sadly, I didn't do this first.

    I deleted all workouts I had created from device and ensured my schedule folder was empty (which it already was)  I also tried forgetting my device from my Android Phone (though I didn't have a whole lot of hope for that since I was syncing from my computer without any luck...but it was worth a try.)  Note, I did it the way a previous poster said; I went to my BT settings and tried to forget the device.  I did not delete from Garmin Connect (which probably would have been a more complete removal.)

    I opted for the "just short of nuclear option" and deleted all stored workouts, and I reset the watch.  I re-added to Garmin Connect on my phone.  This changed so that now when I add the Garmin Coach Widget, it now tells me to set up a Garmin Coach Training Plan using Garmin Connect Mobile.  Of course, I already have one, so it's kinda hard to create.  I tried pausing my existing plan syncing my watch and then restarting the plan and syncing.  No luck there.  I think when I reset I did a power cycle, but I decided to try the simplest option one more time.  Of course, this time it worked.  Everything is syncing as it should...feeling kinda stupid.  I can't say that if I had done that from the beginning I could have avoided all of the other "stuff" I did.  However, I recommend this as a first step to anyone else trouble shooting this syncing issue.

    A couple of a things that I did just before my workouts from Garmin Coach Stopped Syncing:

    - I had moved today's "tired run" to yesterday.  I have moved workout dates in the past with no issue, but this one moved between weeks, so it's slightly different.

    - I let my watch die after yesterday's run.  I was going to track my walk home and it was then I realized I hadn't charged in a few days.  Perhaps the timing of this, caused an error in communication a partially written file, whatever that caused my training plan to no longer sync.  

  • Just to say I am having this problem too. I've had sync problems before because of the watch holding on to old scheduled workouts but this is the first time it has had plenty of space and still won't pick up my new scheduled runs. 

    To Garmin: I don't understand why you don't make the default synchronisation behaviour for the calendar be to prioritise upcoming runs over those scheduled for days that are already in the past. There's no reason to keep last month's scheduled workouts on here instead of next month's. 

  • This is the second time in the last few months where my training plan will not sync to my watch.   The only way I was able to resolve it was to contact Garmin support.  It's maddening!