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Questions about Navigation


I am on the verge of buying the 245, i just have a couple of questions that hopefully one of you will be able to help with :-)

1. When you uplaod a course that you have designed and you are following it on the watch, can you still have data fields showing? i.e current pace etc? or do you have to cylce between navigation and data fields?

2. How east is it to follow the route on your watch? does it tell you when to turn etc? or do you have to follow a small arrow?

Cheers !!

  • Hello,

    1. You can stay on your favorite data fields while following a route. An arrow on the edge of the screen will show you the direction and an alert should warn you shortly before each change of direction.
    You also have a blank map of your route on another screen but you cannot add any other datafield on this one (so you have to cycle in this case).

    2. I was surprised how well it worked even if it's not perfect. Sometimes there is no alert to turn and on crossroads with lots of ways, it's hard to tell wich one to take.
    I don't need to watch my smartphone anymore to navigate while running.

    And last but not least, you can also follow a training during the navigation.

  • Hi !

    1. When you uplaod a course that you have designed and you are following it on the watch, can you still have data fields showing? i.e current pace etc? or do you have to cylce between navigation and data fields?

    Yes, you can customize which fields are displayed on each page during navigation and also choose to fix the screen or cycle through them automatically.

    2. How east is it to follow the route on your watch? does it tell you when to turn etc? or do you have to follow a small arrow?

    Compared to the DWMap application, in my opinion this standard feature is much better. Only the zoom option was easy to change on the app compared to the standard.

    Just a warning, if you´re planning to upload a long course maybe it will cut a part of it (it shows a warning after the upload). Courses that dont follow regular roads (ex: for trail running) also get distorted sometimes. 

  • What do you mean by cutting part of run? I usually do around 22 mile runs.. If it cuts it will it just stop navigating? 

  • I guess this article explains better this limitation:

    It happened to me when I tried to upload a course (GPX file) from a external site (wikiloc), I guess it had too many "points". If you draw your own course or have a simplified version I guess you won´t have any troubles.

  • Thanks so much for your help