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Horrendous GPS accuracy with Firmware 2.70 GPS+GLONASS in Gent, Belgium.


I also had a horrible tracking experience today.

I used my Garmin 245 with version 2.70 with GPS+GLONASS and with update every second (I have disabled smart record).

I have installed Rails watchface ( and for this run I used the Dozen Run data field ( and Single Field ( alternating in between from time to time to see what's different.

I ran on the track close to the water. Please notice the track that my GPS watch recorded (color red) vs the real track I took (color blue). It's mind blowing how inaccurate this is!

If any of the Garmin people need any logs from my watch please let me know. I am willing to help you fix this issue.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago

    My results prior to the update were what I’d call above average as far as GPS tracks go...after the update they’ve become what I’d consider to be poor

  • Exactly the same for me 

  • Is anybody from Garmin seeing this?

    I paid 300 euros for this watch guys and I was expecting at least an acknowledge from your side.

    I can provide you anything you need from my watch to get to the bottom of this issue.

    I must say your service support is very bad at this point and I was expecting much more.

    We as customers are willing to help and you should at least have the decency to respond back and look for a fix of these problems!

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to floppyrom

    This is a new GPS chipset, it’s going to take updates to get it dialed in. Suunto went through the same thing when they switched to the Sony chipset as well. 

    You need to contact the customer service directly if you need immediate response. Also have you tried using GPS only or GPS+Galilaeo? In my experience GLONASS has always delivered worse results. 

  • Wouldn't Sony release the same GPS firmware for its GNSS chipsets used by Garmin, Polar, Suunto, Coros etc?

    (But yes, the accuracy should be much better than this - a family member's Polar Vantage M (Sony) is eg much more accurate than my FR 645, but it does seem to need a proper soaking before use, at least 3 mins or so).  

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to pietero

    Each company has to fine tune their soft ware to the chip as time goes. Polars Vantage M/V have been known to have some of the worst GPS tracks in years so if they are doing well that’s just one example of updates improving accuracy. 

    My best friend bought a Suunto 9 right when it came out and it’s tracks were awful at first too but over time they have become better when compared to my Suunto spartan trainer. That has had numerous updates to improve accuracy and Suunto has been known for that prior to the spartan lineup and the 9 series.

    Ive had Suunto’s for years and while they were very nice, the company’s customer service was a major let down. The UI was also not as nice as the Forerunner line. Give Garmin a chance. They will improve this via updates. New adopters of any watch always go through this esp when a brand new GPS chip is being used.

    This is the company’s bread and butter, they won’t let other companies outperform them and risk losing market share. Esp with a blatant copycat company such as Coros out there making waves.

  • This was 3 month ago.  Do you still find using GPS+Galileo the better option for Garmin (at least in the US?)
    Just got a new Fenix 6x and trying to decide which GPS settings to use. I would hope Garmin has some lessons learned from the other devices already using the sony chipset

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to jetguat

    I never found any improvement in the GPS tracks with any combo of satellites. My pace was slow to update making it impossible to hit any goal for the day. My distances were also off each time on the same routes I’ve been running for 5+ years. 

    To top things off my screen developed a dead zone of pixels forming a white circle which made the device in my opinion unusable. I finally gave up and sent it back. I am now running with the Coros Apex 46mm and literally everything about it is better. Very solid device all the way around. 

  • Couldn't agree more