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Using Ergiq app/indoor rowing with 245

Hi there, I'm planning on purchasing a 245 but before I do I would be interested to hear if anyone has experience of using the 245 with the Ergiq app to connect with a Concept 2 PM5 indoor rower? I understand that it should connect without issue but I'm still keen to hear people's experiences before buying.
  • I have used several different Garmin watches to connect to my Concept2 PM5 using the Broadcast HR. It works great.
  • In the app store go to the ErgIQ app and you can ask the developer using the "contact developer" link. I don't see the 245/245m as an option for it yet (devs have only been able to add that for a few days), so that might be the best place to check.
  • I used a fr245 music this morning on the rowing machine, and it worked fine.

    First make sure your watch broadcasts heart rate during activity and pair it with the PM5.

    i use the Erg Data App, and it all synced fine.

    kind regards
  • Thanks for all the replies, sounds like it will work without issue. Garmin support said if it's in the app store it should work. Will try contacting the developer just to make sure.
  • Just realised the Concept 2 Erg Data App can be set to sync with garmin connect so that's very useful, thanks Nigel
  • Just a quick note Patrick.

    The automatic synching of the Erg data app to Garmin Connect is very good, but I think yesterday’s workout ended up in Garmin Connect twice, once from the Erg Data App and once from the wi fi transfer from my watch. No big deal though, as it was easy enough to simply delete the duplicates.

    The summaries sent to Garmin Connect are not as detailed as the ones on the Concept 2 log book, but are good enough for logging total hours of workouts etc.

    I really like the FR245 music. I nearly went for the Fenix plus, but I’m glad I didn’t.

    Hope this is useful.
  • Thanks that's good to know. I have synced my Erg data app to Garmin connect and manually uploaded my rowing to it via mobile phone. I'm rowing tomorrow and from what I understand the Erg data app should now automatically upload to Garmin connect without the need for manual upload. I'm doing this without a forerunner, just using a mobile phone and HRM. When you are using the forerunner Nigel would you be using the indoor rowing activity setting and then the data is automatically uploaded to Garmin connect or are you using an app on the forerunner that you have downloaded?
  • Hi Patrick,

    Sorry for the late reply, but I've only just noticed your post.

    On my FR245 I just use the Indoor Rowing Activity setting. I then sync the Erg Data app on my iPhone to the Concept 2 PM5, select my workout and get cracking!

    It all seems to sync perfectly. I like both the Garmin Connect and Concept 2 web sites, and it's quite nice seeing it all upload automatically.

  • Hi - cant get my 245M to pair with the app. The 245M doesn broadcast heartbeat fine to my concept 2 app so they can talk to each other just not through the app. Any ideas?

  • But the heart rate accuracy was really suck.....