I have a Forerunner 165 that is currently about 8 months old. The display screen has randomly turned off while the rest of the watch continues to function fine, it still tracked heart rate, sleep, activities, ect... The first two times this happened it was about 3 months and 4 months in respectively and a soft reset seemed to resolve the issue and bring the watch back to normal function. About two months later the issue repeated and the watch once again was still able to connect to bluetooth, track activities, track heart rate, and sleep, however I could not get the screen to turn back on with a soft reset. This lead to me doing a hard reset on the device and after which the device began to function as normal. This time around I feel as if I have tried just about everything, ive tried soft reset, hard reset, plugging in the watch to power sources, and nothing seems to be able to get it to turn back on. At one point I plugged it in and the screen came back for about 20 minutes and was functioning fine but then randomly cut out again which leads me to believe it may be software related. Any help would be greatly appreciated.