Calibrate Altimeter

Is it possible to calibrate the altimeter on the 165? Other watches like the 265 have Altimeter in Sensor & Accessories settings, but the 165 doesn't have this menu item. So how do I calibrate the altimeter? Thanks.

  • It looks like the elevation data field was available on the watch previously but removed by Garmin in one the updates. Not nice of them to remove features :(

    I don't know if the altitude glance was available before, but it would be nice to have it, as well as the settings in sensors since the watch has an altimeter.

  • It would be great to somehow calibrate it. I run same path forward and backwards on my FR165 20.32 version and my altimeter data keeps rising and shows that when I finished I was on higher altitude compared with when I started, but the start and end points were the same.