Problems with the Neo 2T auto-adjusting the resistance during a Training Plan workout

Problems with the Neo 2T auto-adjusting the resistance during a Training Plan workout are making it impossible for me to do the workouts.

For example Groundwork Low I, workout labeled Week 2 Day 1, the only way I could get the power to go anywhere near 122 Watts was at a cadence well over 100 rpm which is ridiculous. No matter how I changed the gears the resistance auto-adjusted so that pedalling at a cadence of between 80-90 rpm the power output stayed between 100-110 Watts.

I recently paid for the Premium on the Tacx App and was excited to begin my first training plan so this is very disappointing.

In the settings, the Training Difficulty Modifier is at 100%.

The other issue I have is that I want to follow the plan and would like it in my calendar i.e. to come up automatically when I open the app (as I have read it is supposed to do). The intro reads "Start a workout to select this training plan (Premium subscription required)". So far I have done theThreshold Test and the first 3 workouts. It still is not in my calendar and I have to go through several screens to open the workout that I am up to every time. I am doing the workout on different calendar days but the same cycle and spacing.

Please tell me how I can solve these problems. At the moment the smart trainer and the app are not proving to be smart.