My Tacx Neo Smart bike (purchased new early 2022) seems to have lost its drive train connection. I pedal and nothing. The bike screen stays blank and the power LED stays red..........HELP !! I need this every day as I lead Zwift coaching groups........

My Tacx Neo Smart bike (purchased new early 2022) seems to have lost its drive train connection.  I pedal and nothing. The bike screen stays blank and the power LED stays red..........HELP !! I need this every day as I lead Zwift coaching groups........

  • You will most likely not get any help as there are more than 100people waiting for a replacement freefub in Belgium alone. It’s becoming a sad a joke. I myself have been waiting for +-1 month for it without any reasonable feedback from their side. My entire winter training schedule is ruined. I am strongly considering throwing all my Garmin/Tacx stuff out and go for Wahoo or something else. It’s simply unacceptable.