Replacement left Crank arm for Tacx neo bike

I had a problem with my left crank arm on the bike. It was always loose, even when tightened, where it fits on the right crank, it got loose and is spinning wrong. I need to buy a new crank arm, where can I buy one?

  • Where can I order the garmin kit? I contacted, they told me that I need the Tacx Bracket Cap Removal Kit (S00-01520-04) but there is no possibility to order it on the product website. Is there any compatibility with this Shimano kit, so I can order it from another website? After all, it's just a plastic nut that fixes the axle.

  • Support sent me a kit under warranty.  The cap is an M18 cap which is different to Shimano but they are available on eBay ,/ Amazon hey tend to have hex heads only do up finger tight maybe use the hex bit without handle/wrench then torque pinch bolt to about 20/22nm check after a few rides