Desktop TacX Training App Fixes All The Issues

Issues with the Android (phone/tablet) version of TacX are:

>puttering (it'll suddenly lose all resistance then put insanely hard resistance then lose resistance again especially when going up hill) is gone and now the resistance changes are smooth and consistent
>watts being halved (now it accurately shows watts and even adds an extra decimal place, before it was showing me going 0.5 to at most 0.9 watts while I was having to work 4x as hard, now it actually shows watts accurately going about as low as 1.30 watts when I'm going very casual to like 5.00+ watts going hard and is way closer in feel to a real life ride )
>speed being halved (now I am easily going 32-40 km/h on what for me is a casual ride, instead of 2.3 km/h to at most 15 km/h maybe 19 km/h on the phone/tablet)
>resolution being terrible (always shows like 480p on the phone despite me having 1080p subscription, now on desktop computer version of the app it's actually 1080p)
>rides not being saved (so far every ride has actually been saved, on phone it would be like 50% chance of just not saving my ride at all)
>rpm/cadence not showing unless I go a minimum of 80 RPM, it always showed 0 RPM until I was biking fast enough to go 80 RPM or higher then it would start showing RPM, now on Desktop it shows RPM even at slower rates like for example 40 RPM)

If you're having a terrible time with TacX don't use a tablet or phone just use a desktop computer. It also has a much better GUI and shows extra details like ETA, a satellite map in top right corner, and Left/Right peddle balance. I wish someone would have suggested this to me to try this change over the last couple months in which I've been having endless issues with Tacx while using it with my phone and my tablet. The Android version of TacX training is complete garbage!