New Amalfi coast film on Tacx Desktop App

I completed the new Amalfi film yesterday, but after 700m the readouts all froze and the film raced ahead irrespecitve of effort. The resistance did change and the ride did come to an end, but then the activity did not get saved to the cloud. I noticed there were something like 30 people on the ride when I started, so may be the system was overloaded, did anyone else experience this?

  • I had the same, after 21,26KM.
    The app (MacOs) completly freezed. Restarted Macbook and luckely this part of the film was saved as workout.
    Also there were a lot of others riding at the same time.

  • Similar (poor) experience whether streaming or following download version of Amalfi route; maybe it's just this course?

    After around halfway display is out of sync with trainer resistance so up is down and vice versa; will try with iPad rather than PC but not a great ride experience compared with other videos/courses

  • I rode this route yesterday (1080P downloaded, not streamed). I did experience some video corruption / pixelation at various points but no noticeable glitches in resistance. The activity recorded and synced normally.

  • Just stopped riding this film after 10k or so. 
    I agree to everything said before. Plus:


    You just pass parking cars. Get passed by cars. See nothing but cars and people on the streets. 
    This is a favorit film from the Beta Team? Really? Where are these guys riding in real live. Downtown Mexico City during rush hour? 

    Seriously. You can do better.