Vibration in the pedals when in under load?

I just got my 2T recently and I noticed when I am doing ERG workouts (what I do the most) at an 80-90rpm cadence @250W (about 13-14mph "wheel speed) I can feel a vibration in the pedals. I am doing this on Trainer road so there is no road feel or anything enabled. I am trying to figure out how much of this is "normal" and just the magnets, though I didn't expect the feeling to be this intense, or if there is something wrong with my unit. The unit is very quiet, so I am not sure what to think here.

  • I experience something very similar (using a 2T and Trainerroad at similar levels).  My research (reading the updates and posts on a variety of forums) has led me to the conclusion that it's not the 2T but rather something to do with the drivetrain.  In the past couple of days I've made a small tweak to the rear derailleur cable tension (rear cable adjustment barrel) and that has reduced the vibration a bit and so I'll continue to tweak things to see if I can eliminate it.

  • Interesting, previously to this I was using a Kickr Snap and didn't have this feeling at all, was smooth as butter. I am using the same drivetrain and even cassette, it is also pretty constant no matter what gear I am in which makes me think it isn't my derailleur.

  • It's normal. Tested two units, had same vibeation, deoending on which ratio youe using it geta strongee/less. Its nothing wrong, I've read around that ita due to the powerfull magnets neo 2 uses.. I ve got used to it and is not really a problsm.

  • Hi,

    I have this problem, my neo2t seem perfect , I have two 1 mm spacer for my Shimano 10 Speed Ultegra Cassette 6700 11 -28 T

    In the smallest rear gear ( highest speed, smallest Cog ) It make a " grinding noise " and i feel it in the pedale and i have a vibration in the bike.!AnG9XeXziTQJpTG8jjdgYiUtM7Hi?e=ykt7CI

    All other gear are ok.   I made a support request at garmin and they send me a new FreeHub, I will have it next week, but me freehub is already new, I have my brand new Neo2T since last week and I have this sound.  Its not the Road Feel option, Its not chain rub.  I realign my rear derailleur, etc.…

    Thanks !

  • Same problem here, particularly when pedaling hard downhill. Seems that blending the motor drive with pedal torque is flawed. Vibrations at low rpm felt in the pedals, very annoying. Reducing intensity and increasing rpm as a remedy is not a solution, it's a joke. Anybody found a real solution with Garmin?

  • Did further testing, it actually isn't so much related to downhill simulation only. Whenever I pedal in the range of 65-80rpm (which is very common!) and put some 200-250W+ load on the pedals, vibrations start coming from the rear drivetrain. Very annoying, noise sounds like a roar and transfers into the pedals, very annoying vibes going into your feet. Depends on load, the harder you pedal the more pronounced the roaring gets. Happens in all gears where I can keep the load and stay within the critical rpm range (smallest 4-5 cogs). Feels like there is some resonance of pedaling with the brake magnets?

  • Just jumped off my Neo 2 for the exact same reason. Any gear, load of 130w+ and cadence 70+ and it's vibrating on the downstroke. Not something I see myself getting used to, especially not considering the cost.

  • Just jumped off my Neo 2 for the exact same reason. Any gear, load of 130w+ and cadence 70+ and it's vibrating on the downstroke. Not something I see myself getting used to, especially not considering the cost.

  • In one case I found on some research a user changed the chain and it got better. Then again, no vibrations on the Direto XR and real world riding proves   it must be the Neo 2T in the first place... :-(

  • I replaced the rear cassette, front small cog, chain and bottom bracket with no difference. Next would be to try my bike on another trainer or another trainer on my bike but not exactly the most accessible things at the moment