I bought 2 Neo 2 devices around 2 years ago and have had three failures since. Always 'burn out' - electrical burning smell and loss of resistance. I don't do crazy power rides - 4x per week for 1hr @ approx 175w average. Always left on afterwards for some time to allow the cooling fans to run (which normally they for about about 5 mins)
Is this common? Are there known reliability issues with the Neo 2 devices?
Each time they have been replaced under warranty, however the replacements have been inconsistent:
1. First time was a straight Neo 2 for a Neo 2. (I don't think the 2T was out at this time)
2. Second failure was a 2T replacement. Quite happy with this as it's noticeably slightly quieter (been running a 2 and 2T side-by-side for nearly a year). A slight problem here was the 2T axle is not the same as the 2, so the freehub I'd retained (as per return procedure) did not fit, so I had to wait a bit longer for a replacement to be sent.
3. Third failure (of the remaining 2) last week was set up to replace with a 2T. So I got on to Garmin support the next day to ensure they send a new freehub. After much deliberating they came back to me and said a 2T replacement was a mistake and they dropped it back to a 2. When it arrived today it appears visually to be a 2, but the axle is the the same as a 2, so my old freehub did not fit. Luckily they sent a new freehub.
I recall reading somewhere on the internet about a batch of 2s with 2T internals, or maybe 2Ts with 2 internals being released by Garmin to use up old stock. Does anyone know about that? Is that what I've received on my third replacement?