"Entering bootloader" problem on Neo 2 fw update to 0.0.36 with Tacx Utility App Android 2.2.0

yesterday i did a try to update from firmware 0.0.34 to 0.0.36 after i received an Update on Tacx Utility App Android to version 2.2.0 on my Neo 2.

started the firmware update as always, but the update stopped on "Entering bootloader" screen, after 2 coffees i decided to cancel:

then i seen, the upload failed:

now i switched off my Neo 2, cleared the cache of Utility App:

rebooted my phone, turned on Neo 2 and then the update started as always!

Seems now under device settings the App shows my entered default Body Weight and default bike weight, before it looks like:

i entered several times in the past my weight, but everytime i started the App again, the weight was set to Zero, now my entered values from the past came back corrrectly!

  • Hi,

    I am having the same problem upgrading from 0.0.32 to 0.0.36.

    I have tried everything suggested here, including uninstally the utility app and starting again.

    No joy...

    The utility appsimply goes into the 'entering booloader state and turns the Neo2 power Led  off, but BT-led stays on

    After a couple of mins the BT-led goes out and the power led comes back on (no change on the utility app)

    After some 10mins of waiting - I cancel out.

    Any further ideas...?


  • you have to  clear the cache of Utility App on your mobile phone before you uninstall the app, thats very important, then uninstall it, restart your mobile phone and install the app again