Garage use!

Hi there,

I use my TAXC Neo in normal household garage and are concerned about the cold weather/ temperatures damaging the machine whilst not in use.

Would any of you have the same concerns or know whether I should consider covering the machine in tenseness sessions and over night??

Thanks in advance


  • I've only just upgraded to a Neo 2 so I cannot comment specifically on that model, but I until now I've had a Vortex Smart out in my garage in Scotland since October 2015 and I have not had a single problem with it. Temperatures have likely ranged from -10 C to 30 C in that time.

  • Much appreciated   , thanks v much. 

  • We recommend using this product in the ranges of -20 C to 55 C, or, -4 F to 131 F. We hope this is helpful. 

  • I asked more or less this question (NEO 2) directly to Tacx support in November (adding that I also at times work out in sub zero temps, Sweden is a cold country in winter). Their answer was:

    "The recommended temperature for the trainers is minimum 5 degrees Celsius. (preferably room temperature).

    If i may advise you i would say store the trainer inside and when you want to use it then the cold temperature should not be problem while training.

    Kind Regards..."

    So, it seems we have conflicting information here. Which answer is the correct one? (hopefully -20 - 55 C).



  • My 2016 Tacx Neo seems to have developed a very moody approach to ambient temp - in my garage (Southern UK) it is about 4-6C now and it regularly fails to boot (flashing red power light if on power lead, or no resistance with no power lead). If I put it outdoors in the sun (9-11C currently) it works fine - takes a while for the powered mode to stop flashing but eventually it works. So....a bit like riding on the road without all the cars but hardly ideal for cold/wet days. I am negotiating with the boss on indoor use protocols. Wish me luck.

    I have emailed Garmin support to get their advice - I wonder if the magnets are dirty or building residue and the temp related no-startup is a fail safe mode? The utility app indicates the motor is over heated/too cold  (unclear but with zero use it surely can be hot?) and the web site indicates flashing power light means firmware is incorrect but the utility app contradicts this.

    Still it works and I can get back to burning off the covid-19 blubber.

    Stay safe people!

  • Hi Hoburgen - did you ever get clarity on the supported operating temp? My experience below seems to meet with the 5C minimum but that seems ludicrous for a device that can heat itself?

  • Winter is coming so I reached out once again to Garmin support....sigh...

    "Thank you for contacting Garmin Support.

    Hopefully there will be some sub zero temperature for us in the north.

    -Tacx trainers can be stored and used between 5 degrees till 30 degrees celsius. We can't guarantee that the trainer will operate as normal when used and/or stored under +5 degrees celsius, if the trainer is not operating as normal as a result of used in colder degrees than recommended this can affect the warranty status of the trainer.

    Have a nice day!

    "-Winter is coming to Scandinavia. Over the years there has been conflicting information about the Neo and sub zero temperatures where both sub zero and not temperatures are OK. Both for storage as well as usage. What is the definite answer (which both the legacy Tacx crew as well as the current Garmin team agree on). Working out in a cold garage I of course hope for sub zero.


  • Hello from Finland!

    Did you get any answer from Garmin? Planning on buying a NEO 2 but would also be training in sub-zero temperatures during the winter.

    Many thanks

  • Has anyone got a definitive answer on this question?

  • Hi! Did you get the trainer? Any comments or experience using it sub-zero temperatures?