Tacx Training App is freezing during Video ride

Hey all,

we have same issues on different PCs and Flux 2 devices. When you run a video workout, the video and all performance values freeze after a few minutes. You can finish the workout, but you have to kill the app afterwards. On next start the training is uploaded to Garmin. Does anyone know this problem?

We have: Windows 10 PCs with newest Updates; Flux 2 Devices; newsest Tacx Trainings App; Garmin Premium HD Subscription



  • Hi, in my case (Windows 10 notebook) managed to diagnose and solve the freezing finally. The app consumed 100% GPU resources, as shown on task manager. For some reason, after upgrade of Nvidia drivers, the app started executing on the built-in Intel graphics instead of the GeForce graphics. This caused it to hang sometimes. In the Windows settings it's possible to configure that the app shall use the dedicated graphics (GeForce). This seems to have solved my issue wit Tacx Training App hanging.