Tacx Training App FTP test result not visible

I recently purchased a Tacx Flux 2 trainer. This is my first smart trainer and my first time using power data and the world of FTP. I’ve been cycling regularly for over a year and can do 70-80km with ease so I wouldn’t describe myself as a novice or even a pro. 

Not knowing if Garmin’s default 200w FTP score was accurate or not, I completed the 45min FTP test within the Tacx training app.

However, when I finished the test I expected to see an actual result of the test I.e. ‘your FTP is x watts’.

But I didn’t see any of that, nor is that number visible anywhere within the activity history or Garmin Connect. 
Connect still shows the default 200w rating which I don’t think is accurate (I was expecting a lower number). 

Garmin Support have suggested this is by design and pointed me to the documentation on *how to perform a test* not an explanation of where I can see the result of the test I’ve already completed.

Is this normal or has something gone wrong in the Tacx app? I don’t want to do another FTP test so soon after the first one. 


  • I have the same issue. I entered 212W in Garmin Connect months ago based on a lab test. Today I completed an FTP test on my Tacx bike, I see the results, 20 mins Average power 215W and Normalised Power 193 but the FTP value is still 212W. Does it mean we have to calculate our own FTP based on the 20 mins average and enter this value manually? I couldn't find any relevant info on the Garmin manuals. The Garmin guide only describes how to do that test but nothing about the result.

  • I have exactly same issue today... FTP nowhere to be found after the tacx training ftp test. Wasted energy?

  • Hi all,

    I was having the same issue, but I think I figured it out. On the help page on Garmin edge 1000 they say that you calculate your FTP based on 95% of your 20 minute power record. You can find this in the Garmin connect app under your performance statistics. I’m guessing this is how Garmin intends to calculate your FTP based on the 20 minute test.

  • I stumbled upon the same thing. It's quite annoying I think to not get a result. Actually I got a result and pop-up the first time I did a FTP test. It showed me the result and asked if I would like to set it as my new FTP value. But after that first test no more pop-up or result. That would be feature I would wish to have.

  • I just encountered the same problem. I like the the taxc app but I’m on the verge of switching back to Zwift where these fundamentals work without friction and you get results and analysis. 
    it can’t be very challenging to add some code and give us the feature regardless of what hardware we use. 
    Garmin, time to up your game. I’m sure you love some healthy competition, it’s after all sports ;-)