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Will the Vivomove Trend ever support custom complications?

I love my vivomove trend. It's everything I need (and don't need) in a smartwatch. However, almost all of the faces provide different complication options and it's almost frustrating. I love the Techie watch face, but the three complications at the bottom need more options. I don't know why these aren't something we can mix and match. Is this something we can expect in an update? 

  • Currently, this is the only option we have for watch face customization: Customizing the Watch Face

    However, what you are suggesting is a great idea! Be sure to submit it by using our Ideas Portal.

  • I've spent the last week (my first week with vivomove trend) with the exact same question, with the exact same set up!

    I find current time with date absolutely necessary (to see it at night, and to know the date). I also need the battery gauge, so that i know when to charge it, or I forget. The weather is cool as well. But the active minutes is a waste for me! I would love to either have steps there, or body battery. neither seems like much of a stretch