Does my Vivoactive 5 stop counting steps

I'm 74 and use my watch, a Vivoactive 5, principally as a health monitor. Since the last update I've noticed that the system seems not to count steps that occur after my bedtime of record. Is this correct? If it, why? In the last couple weeks, I've awakened in the morning to find that I hadn't completed the 4000 steps I'd set as my baseline, so I'm on day 4 of my current streak rather than the 30 days it should be by my reckoning. I use the data the watch records in discussion with physicians and need some accuracy.

  • Thank you for you post. The steps reset at midnight. Some activities may cause irregular arm movement, resulting in the watch recording too many steps. These may include, but are not limited to: 

    • Driving a vehicle (usually due to vibrations caused by rough terrain)

    • Taking a shower

    • A restless night of sleep

    • Brushing your teeth

    There are also instances where a lack of arm movement may result in a low step count or missing steps while you are walking. These may include, but are not limited to:

    • Pushing a stroller or cart

    • Mowing the lawn

    • Carrying a bag of groceries or a child

    • Holding the safety handles of a treadmill while walking

    • Holding hiking poles or sticks

    • Riding a bike

    • Holding a leash while walking a pet

    If you are not meeting your step goal the goal streak will restart from day 1 on the day that you do meet the step goal that you've set. 

    If you have any questions please reach out to your local Garmin Support team.