Nap timer alarm can’t be dismissed

The nap alarm was going off after a nap, but nothing I could come up with would dismiss the alarm. 

it was not a locked screen since there was no indication of screen lock and long pressing didn’t work on either button. 

i had to hold down the top button for however many seconds to make the watchdog reset the watch. 

  • More information: Last time this happened I decided to just let the watch keep vibrating to see if anything would change or if it would just keep vibrating until the battery ran down.

    After about 5 minutes the buttons on the side started responding again and I was able to dismiss the alarm like normal.

     It’s sort of like a real-time priority thread or rtos call is blocking the rtos or the event handling loop is getting blocked but whatever is blocking finally times out after 5 minutes.

  • Thank you for your post. Does this occur everytime your watch is put into nap mode? What is the time you are setting for the nap timer? What is the software version on your watch?

  • Right now it is 9.24 but I’m not sure what it was before the recent update when the problem was happening.

     The unresponsive state only seemed to happen when I manually started a nap AND set the nap timer. I was setting it to either 30min or 1 hour in these cases, I’m pretty sure.

    I had some time to try to test while doing other stuff and set a nap with a 10 minute timer. Alarm went off and could be dismissed as usual. Then I tried again with 15 minutes and also waited 20-30 seconds before dismissing it. Could also dismiss it with no problem in that case too.

    So at this point I’m not sure if it is non deterministic, or if it’s determined by longer nap times, waiting longer to dismiss the alarm, if whatever was causing it was fixed in the last firmware update, or if previous incidents were caused by an unknown badly behaving app that I since removed. 

    im planning to download the SDK at some point anyway so I’ll download that and see if I can obtain any useful diagnostic info if I can get it to happen again. Not sure what is available to normal developers though.

    If nobody else has had this happen then it would probably be something odd about my device configuration causing me to experience this.