Screen unresponsive, gaps in data, synch issues with Garmin Connect

Dear support,

I want to raise my concern over a few issues that I experience with my Vivoactive 5 watch.

1. Sometimes the watch screen becomes unresponsive. Tapping the screen, pushing the buttons or making the wrist gesture does not help in waking up the screen. The sensor on the back is still functioning while this happens. After a while the screen becomes responsive again. This issue has a duration of a couple of minutes.

2. Synchronization issues with Garmin Connect app. Almost every day there are gaps in my data in the Garmin Connect app, which makes it hard to make the watch useful. The watch itself did register the data, so no idea why the Garmin Connect app doesn't show the data. Below you find some examples where the watch does register, but the app has gaps in the data. Also it's not consistent, so for example Heartrate isn't synced, but Stress is. 


As you can see in the pictures above, where I was unfortunately ill, the Garmin Connect app doesn't show any data from 0:00 till around 03:00, but the watch itself has the data. Manually syncing does not solve the issue. Turning bluetooth on and off doesn't solve the issue.

3. GAPS in data, both on watch and Garmin Connect app. Almost daily there's also gaps in the data both on the watch and in the Garmin Connect app. It varies from a few minutes to multiple hours. During that time the watch was 'responsive' as I received notifications.

  This picture was taken at 21:30, and you can clearly see there is a gap between 20:30 and 20:45-ish. This is just a small gap, there have been bigger gaps than this example.

While searching the forums and internet I've encountered multiple topics about these issues from other users. 

For example:

Screen turned black not responsive - but still functioning? - vivoactive 5 Series - Health & Wellness - Garmin Forums

Hi, my Garmin vivoactive 5 screen has gone black but it is still making vibrating noises when I touch the top button. - vivoactive 5 Series - Health & Wellness - Garmin Forums

Vivoactive 5 screen turned black but still functioning? : r/Garmin (

I've deleted all Garmin apps from my phone and reinstalled them. I've reset my watch multiple times, even set it back to factory settings, but nothing helped. As the other users are mentioning in their topics A REPLACEMENT WATCH DIDN'T SOLVE THE ISSUE, so please don't tell me to contact my local Garmin support. These are issues which should be acknowledged by the Garmin team and fixed as soon as possible as the main function of the watch is now faulty. Please give me an update on where we stand with these issues and what the timeline is in which you expect to solve these issues. Thank you.

  • That does sound more weird them, that it's always when the goals reset for the day. I wonder if that has something to do with it. I manually sync mine so I've not experienced that thankfully, but the watch seems to get more and more issues as I use it so maybe it'll happen one day! 

  • I also sync manually. I disable Bluetooth and WiFi from my phone at night and disable Bluetooth from the watch too. So I sync after waking up. I also never let connect app running in the background as it’s draining my phone with 15-20% an hour otherwise, the weather data is super incorrect so don’t need the app running in the background for that. 

    My watch works much better since I did a factory reset. I only have the syncing problems left at midnight. Oonly now it’s draining battery faster since the latest software update. But not severely. 

  • Hmm, yeah that's annoying then because it seems like you're doing everything you can to not have the watch be silly in very specific circumstances. I hope they figure it out for you! I agree with the weather, not sure which source they use but it never matches with any of the ones I use haha.

    I think the only things I've noticed recently are step goals not appearing, and occasionally the body battery on the watch face opens untouched. Janky technology sometimes I guess haha 

  • I have the same with the step goals, since I’ve updated! 

  • Ahh! That makes me feel better about it then, but that is bad for us all that it seems related to the update, or around that time. I saw that the update from the OP of this post received a new watch to solve the problems with the dotted line, but it didn't help, so I bet it's all software related :( which is annoying but hopefully that means it'll be easy to fix 

  • Seems that for me fix for gaps in hr sleep reading is just turning witi over night.

  • I have my phone always on airplane mode + WiFi + Bluetooth off at night. And on my watch I also disable Bluetooth at night. (I live in an area with bad mobile reception so I have to use airplane mode to prevent an empty phone battery in the morning). 

    I hope all the things will be fixed soon. I still think there’s something going wrong with syncing to connect. Or with building the new file for the day at midnight.. It’s really odd it’s not happening every day though. But I also have to say, this week I didn’t have the midnight gaps yet! 

    I’m really curious about what will happen at the end of the month, when we start summer time/ daylight saving time! My watch told me the wrong time on leap day, in the morning. So daylight saving time will be interesting maybe. 

  • It s sure smth with connect. If connect has gaps but the watch don’t( my case)  we know where is the trouble

  • I agree. My watch also never shows gaps in the graphs. 

  • Hi Esther, have my new Vivoactive 5 for almost two weeks now. Everything works fine for now. No gaps, no freezes, no sync issues whatsoever. I hope it stays that way, but the first signs are hopeful. Unfortunately Garmin hasn't provided Coolblue with much information about the precise defect. The Coolblue employee says the conclusion is just a faulty watch, and therefore I received a replacement watch. I hope you're also eligible to get a replacement watch in the hopes of getting a better experience with the watch.