Screen unresponsive, gaps in data, synch issues with Garmin Connect

Dear support,

I want to raise my concern over a few issues that I experience with my Vivoactive 5 watch.

1. Sometimes the watch screen becomes unresponsive. Tapping the screen, pushing the buttons or making the wrist gesture does not help in waking up the screen. The sensor on the back is still functioning while this happens. After a while the screen becomes responsive again. This issue has a duration of a couple of minutes.

2. Synchronization issues with Garmin Connect app. Almost every day there are gaps in my data in the Garmin Connect app, which makes it hard to make the watch useful. The watch itself did register the data, so no idea why the Garmin Connect app doesn't show the data. Below you find some examples where the watch does register, but the app has gaps in the data. Also it's not consistent, so for example Heartrate isn't synced, but Stress is. 


As you can see in the pictures above, where I was unfortunately ill, the Garmin Connect app doesn't show any data from 0:00 till around 03:00, but the watch itself has the data. Manually syncing does not solve the issue. Turning bluetooth on and off doesn't solve the issue.

3. GAPS in data, both on watch and Garmin Connect app. Almost daily there's also gaps in the data both on the watch and in the Garmin Connect app. It varies from a few minutes to multiple hours. During that time the watch was 'responsive' as I received notifications.

  This picture was taken at 21:30, and you can clearly see there is a gap between 20:30 and 20:45-ish. This is just a small gap, there have been bigger gaps than this example.

While searching the forums and internet I've encountered multiple topics about these issues from other users. 

For example:

Screen turned black not responsive - but still functioning? - vivoactive 5 Series - Health & Wellness - Garmin Forums

Hi, my Garmin vivoactive 5 screen has gone black but it is still making vibrating noises when I touch the top button. - vivoactive 5 Series - Health & Wellness - Garmin Forums

Vivoactive 5 screen turned black but still functioning? : r/Garmin (

I've deleted all Garmin apps from my phone and reinstalled them. I've reset my watch multiple times, even set it back to factory settings, but nothing helped. As the other users are mentioning in their topics A REPLACEMENT WATCH DIDN'T SOLVE THE ISSUE, so please don't tell me to contact my local Garmin support. These are issues which should be acknowledged by the Garmin team and fixed as soon as possible as the main function of the watch is now faulty. Please give me an update on where we stand with these issues and what the timeline is in which you expect to solve these issues. Thank you.

  • I have problem 2 as well. Some nights I miss data in connect starting exactly at midnight. Sometimes data for 15 minutes is lost. Sometimes for two hours. And this bug is on different watches for years already I’ve learned this weekend. I guess the change at midnight, to a new day, is confusing for the app! 

    my watch also rebooted by itself one time. It was after I’ve uploaded face it watch faces from connect iq. After I’ve deleted those my watch never rebooted. 

    Do you know if your watch maybe rebooted when you had problem 3? 

  • Hi Esther,

    Thanks for your reply. I've had a Garmin Venu for a few years and had none of the problems mentioned above. Really loved that watch, but it was time for a replacement.

    Sometimes the freezes result in a restart indeed, the blue triangle would suddenly show up without me doing anything. But I know for certain the watch didn't reboot with problem 3. It just isn't responsive, and after a while it is responsive again but has missed some data. This is both while sitting on the couch or while taking the dog for a walk.

  • That’s so annoying. I had that one time and after I’ve removed all watch faces I made with the iq app it never happened again. But I only have my watch since 12 January. 

    do you have problem 2 also every night nnow, since the latest connect app update, instead of a few times a week before the latest update? 

  • Hello all,

    Thank you for the above reports. We will need to review this in detail with you. Please reach out to your local Garmin Support team to discuss available options.

  • I will, in my country you can only call until 4 in the afternoon, so I have to try on an afternoon I’m free. 

    in the connect app for android forum there you’ll find more threads about what Dennis describes as problem 2. I’m on iOS, so it’s not an android or iOS problem. 

    I’ll add screenshots as well for extra data (about problem 2). As you can see the app has troubles syncing data after midnight. It’s happening every night since the latest app update for iOS. before the update it happened less frequently. 

  • Hi,

    just wanted to let you know, my watch is still collecting all data. But nothing is showing up in the connect app anymore. 

    Is there any sight on a solution? This problem got very bad with the latest connect app update for iOS. I’m debating returning my watch. Because it’s useless like this and it’s taking too much time every morning to get it to sync (reinstalling the app several times, reinstalling my watch, losing all data it’s collected..). And now it’s acting like it’s syncing, but it is not loading data into the graphs in connect app. 

    thank you. 

  • Yesterday I had another BIG problem happening. The watch was stuck and didn't record anything during around the time I set my alarm to. Beside the data loss again, the watch didn't trigger the alarm, although it was set. I didn't receive the morning report either. This makes the watch highly unreliable in many ways. I have had a Venu before this watch and never had any big problems with it, but this Vivoactive 5 is so buggy it's no fun anymore. 

    I've to say that I'm rather disappointed in the lack of communication from Garmin, other than the almost standard 'contact your local support for available options'-messages.

    Some more screenshots from yesterday's issues, where it DID TRACK and SYNC sleep data, so the watch isn't completely faulty, which makes me think it has something to do with software issues rather than hardware issues.

        data from the watch, notice the little gap in measured data at around 6.30AM

          no heartrate and stress for some period, but sleep data is complete. I'm lost..

  • REGARDING : 1. Sometimes the watch screen becomes unresponsive.

    I had my 1st new watch replaced with a brand new watch from GARMIN (although I didn't want to but had to try); OUT OF THE BOX the watch had the mini-freezes... I've been on the BETA 9.19 in the past 10 days... and the freezes are still there at least 10 times daily... Whenever I want to check the time, the watch is unresponsive to touchscreen or buttons... the GREEN LIGHTS ARE ON... and it will "GET BACK" in 30-60 seconds by its own...

    I wouldn't waste any more time with GARMIN SUPPORT for this issue or ask for a replacement... there are big software problems for VENU 3 / VIVOACTIVE 5 series... clearly... undeniable... They are nice and happy to replace watches, but as I knew, this will not solve this issue at all...


  • This is such a shame, because the watch is so lovely when it works! 

    I never have those problems you describe though, but I only have my watch since four weeks. I only have the syncing problems, that are getting out of hand though.. so my watch works well but connect app isn’t. So it’s still useless like this.

    It never freezes or isn’t responsive.

    Im really upset, this is my first Garmin watch and I’m starting to regret my choice.

  • Hoi Esther, 

    Aangezien we in het zelfde schuitje zitten, deel ik de stappen met je die ik gekregen heb vanuit Garmin Support. Geen idee of dit de uitkomst gaat bieden, maar niet geschoten is altijd mis. Ik heb de stappen allemaal zojuist uitgevoerd. Ga de komende dag(en) monitoren of het helpt. Zo niet, gaat ie terug naar de winkel. Succes!

    'Beste Dennis,

    Hartelijk bedankt dat u contact heeft opgenomen met Garmin Support. Wij helpen u graag verder.

    Wij raden u aan om eerst de meest recente software op uw toestel en telefoon te installeren. Vervolgens zouden wij u willen vragen om de onderstaande stappen te volgen;

    !Als u met hetzelfde emailadres en wachtwoord inlogt zullen uw gegevens nog steeds in de Garmin Connect app staan!

    Let op! Synchroniseer uw toestel met de Garmin Connect app voordat u onderstaande stappen uitvoert.

    1. Open Garmin Connect en verwijder uw Garmin toestel :

    2. Verwijder vervolgens Garmin Connect van uw telefoon.

    3. Ga naar bluetooth instellingen van uw telefoon.

    4. Vergeet/verwijder de bluetooth verbinding van uw Garmin toestel. !belangrijke stap!

    5. Schakel uw mobiele telefoon uit en laat uw telefoon minimaal 1 minuut uit staan.

    6. Zet uw toestel terug naar de fabrieksinstellingen, zie onderstaande stappen:

    Let op! Hiermee worden alle gegevens die u hebt ingevoerd en uw activiteitgeschiedenis gewist.

    Selecteer gegevens verwijderen en instellingen herstellen

    7. Download de Garmin Connect app opnieuw.

    8. Schakel op beide toestellen de bluetooth in.

    9. Ga naar de Garmin Connect app.

    10. Maak de bluetooth koppeling opnieuw vanuit de Garmin Connect app.

    * Doe ook en software update met Garmin Express via de computer.

    * Volg deze link om het programma te downloaden en dan koppel u horloge aan de computer:'